Sunday, October 12, 2008

Logo show wo

I decided to go with my last sketch because I thought it was an unusual format for a school logo. For the final version I tried to use contrast and proximity to make Clara Byrd and Baker more important than elementary school. I think it also added some visual interest. I think the left justified alignment helps to give it a nice rectangular shape. Obviously I used repetition in the bear mascot as bullets.


Kyunga said...

This is such a cute logo! It's unusual, and that really works for it. The different sizes in text was a great idea. The only thing I might suggest is to not have put so many bears in the original logo. Perhaps if this was used to also create a letterhead or something, then multiple bears could be used.

amyARTE250 said...

good job on the simplicity of the piece, the original hairy bear is sorta lame. i liked the scattered letter one tho. the fusciaish color is one i might work on, a little loud, but nice job simplifying the piece.

Marshall said...

I was looking at this last night and thought of an idea that you might want to try- which would, by the way- at least expand on the repetitive aspect of the imagery in this logo, if not HELP it-

Try increasing the space between the letters in the word "school". Try putting relatively similar amounts of space between those letters as you have put between the piggy faces.

BlogBloke12 said...

the writing line up and the bears works very well as well as the colors, just maybe add like some kind of line design in the background with the pink maybe to tie it all together